Monday, December 05, 2005

A List of Sevens...for fun

1. Seven things to do before I die

1. play my violin well
2. go to Scotland with my husband
3. master Latin
4. read, read, many books
5. grow in loving God with all my heart, mind, soul & strength
6. read the Narnia Chronicles to my grandchildren
7. see all of my children loving and serving Jesus as adults

2. Seven things I cannot do

1. read twaddly books to my children
2. give twaddly books or music as presents
3. sing a solo
4. play the piano in church
5. create fine art
6. ski (anymore...I'm too chicken!)
7. read Hebrew & Greek (but those would be on the
top 10 list of things to do...)

3. Seven things that attracted me to my spouse.

1. he's extremely handsome and has beautiful brown eyes
2. he has a great sense of humor
3. he liked Bruce Springsteen (I know, but I wasn't a Christian...)
4. he grew up in the Episcopal church (like me, and that was attractive to me, then & NOW)
5. I liked his parents and sister
6. he was (and is) the nicest guy I ever met
7. he loves me

4. Seven things I say most often

life's not fair (or you don't want fair!)
are you pleasing God?
look at my eyes
I love you
get your school done! or stop talking, start working!
7. Hi hungry, I'm mommy
or You've NEVER been hungry a day in your life

5. Seven books (or series) I love

1. The Bible
2. The Chronicles of Narnia
3. Anne of Green Gables series
4. anything by George MacDonald
5. A Child's History of the World by V.M. Hillyer
6. Goodnight Moon
7. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

6. Seven movies I love to watch (or would watch over and over if I had the time)
this is very hard. I'd much rather read a book!

1. Sound of Music
2. The Return of the King
3. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
4. Adam's Rib
5. Heidi
6. It's a Wonderful Life
7. Sargeant York

7. Seven people I want to join in, too
Anyone who wants!!

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