Friday, April 28, 2006

Always be ready...

Two posts in one day...don't fall out of your seats!

This is a great website refuting the outrageous claims and false information in Dan Brown's DaVinci Code. Get a cup of tea, and spend a bit of time there.

The Truth About DaVinci

Of course, the heresies presented in DaVinci are nothing new. I see this as a great opportunity to share the truth of the gospel! I want to "always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks (me) to give an account fort he hope that is in (me), yet with gentleness and reverence." (II Peter 3:15)

Many of Brown's lies seem plausible to us because we are so ignorant about church history, and just history in general...I know I am! So, here's another link for you...Joshua and I have signed up for this class for next fall. Care to join us?

Schola Tutorial's Church History class

"But false prohets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who brought them here, bringing swift destruction upon themselves..." (II Peter 2: 1)

Father, give us such a love and holy jealousy for Your word that we immerse ourselves in it daily, and equip us to refute false teaching wherever we find it! Keep Your church...Your "called out ones"... pure and spotless. Amen.

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