Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Resolution for 2007…and an excuse for 2006

I do hereby resolve to post more regularly this year for my reader (s?).

The Girltalkers are discussing how to keep resolutions, so I’ll be following that thread! I am the conusummate resolution breaker. Other than reading my bible through in a year once or twice (I mean…really finishing…every word), I think most of my resolutions are broken by Jan 2.

The things that I have been reading and studying this past year have been so obviously sovereignly directed by God, and the thoughts and emotions have been overwhelming at times. It has been a season of really sitting at the feet of Christ, and learning the marvelous truths of the gospel over…and in some ways, for the first time, even though I have been a Christian for 20+ years.

In the midst of all this, I think I have been like Mary, pondering these things in my heart…hence the infrequent posting. (Of course, there are other factors…a husband, 6 kids, homeschooling, writing books…but I digress…)

So, to make up for it, I have two other posts to make tonight. J

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